Tuesday, April 7, 2015

End Of Spring Break

Today is the last day of my Spring Break.
I. Am. Heart. Broken.
I just turned on my alarm for school and I'm pretty emotional. But at least I only have 2 days of school this week. Which is alright. None would've been better.
Nothing exciting. I went to the gym and worked my ass off. I am going to try to work harder in the gym and stop eating so much junk food. We all know that's not really going to happen, but a girl can HOPE! 
Today was another cloudy/raining day. LOVED it! But it was a little chilly, which I'm not about. 
I also flipping stubbed my pinky finger nail and it hurts like hell. I have gel nails on at the moment and I am afraid my actual nail might be broken inside. It's the type of pain that lingers around for a really long time. 
Any way. It is already 10:55 pm. I should go to bed before I fall asleep driving to school tomorrow and die. *knocks on wood.
I also need to prepare for school so I have to wake up extra early. Haven't made my lunch or packed my bags. Whoops. 

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