Saturday, April 25, 2015

Nails And Froyo Date

So yesterday was a fun day. 
Well, the morning wasn't, but the evening turned out to be fun.
It was Friday yesterday so I, of course, had school. I only have one class now since I dropped out of the other one. God that feels good! Well, I lost my (religious) necklace. It wasn't anything special to look at and it wasn't expensive, but it means a great deal to me and my family. So I lost that necklace and I think it might've been from when I went to gym on Wednesday, and I think I remember taking it off.... Wait. I don't really remember taking it off.... Shit. 
Well, now I don't have any clue where it might be. Anyway so I went to 3 different lost and found places at school and no one had it. The necklace has a little pouchy thing hanging from the string and whenever someone loses it, my mom likes to be negative and say 'someone probably found it and they probably thought there's money in the pouch or something valuable and they probably ripped it open (to find there's nothing valuable to them) and then threw it away instead of turning it in".
Well, I'm  trying to stay positive, and I'm hoping it will turn up in the lost or found or it's in my house somewhere and I just can't find it. It's stressing me out!!!
But after all of that, I came home. I did stuff. And then I went to pick up my brother from school and my mom wanted us to go do some grocery shopping and I asked my friend Maria if she wanted to hang out that day or the next day. She told me her and Haley are going to get their nails done for prom on Saturday. I totally forgot prom was on Saturday!! So I went with them to get their nails done. I didn't want to get mine done since I just recently took my gel nails off and I am really liking not having nails done. I want to give my nails a little break and let it heal a little...
So after getting their nails done, we went to get some fro-yo!!! Sooo flipping good! It had been a while. We also went to David's Bridal to go look for some, aw shit the word is not coming in my head. I had to look it up... It's a garter.. That's so sad. Haley wanted to get a garter for prom so we went there and there was a white lace with a little blue bow, which Haley was not about it since her dress was pink, but she got it anyway just because it's a garter.. 
We went to Marshall's after that and we looked around for a long time. I got a nice top. It's very summery and I really like it. I usually struggle to find a top like that where it's not scooting down my shoulder and then my (non-existing) boobs pop out. But yeah. It was only $9.99 so I am very happy with my purchase.
After that we went back to Ria's house. We had invited Devon (their friend. I don't know if I should call him my friend. We've hung out quite a few times, with the group, but I don't know if we're comfortable enough to call each other friends.) Ria's boyfriend Jake also ended up coming, but instantly regretted it when he found out that Ria was going to be doing Haley's make up. He decided to go to Taco-Bell to get something to eat. 
We saw Devon drive back and forth like 7 times. We had no idea what he was doing. Ria and them were all in the group text and we could see his and Jake's conversations, but he wouldn't come in. He finally came in after Jake got back from Taco-Bell. Apparently Devon thought me, Ria and Haley weren't home because her car wasn't in the driveway (she left it at school), so he didn't want to come in. Once he did and he found out about what we were going, he was also not very happy about the make up plan.
It ended up being a really fun night. Haley had to leave to get ready for prom and take a bath at 8. After she left, Ria started cleaning up her room, like how she always does. It's her thing. And she brought down he sticky bra for her dress and instantly Devon and Jake were drawn to that thing. Maria had to give them her old pair because they wanted to open the new one and play with it. 
Jake and Devon played with those sticky bra the whole night. They would try it on, throw it at the wall and see if it sticks, throw it up at the ceiling, hi-five each other to make a weird cuppy noise, wrapped it around a stick to make a club-thing, and used it as a knee pads. They were like little boys. Me and Ria would literally laughed at everything they did with those bras. It was a fun night.
I went home around 10 and decided to come back the next day to help her get ready for prom.  

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