Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I Finally Watched Frozen

I don't really know what I did today.
I mean I do, but they seem so little. 
I went to my moms work for the morning. Got home and basically ate. I then went to pick up my brother and went to return my passport picture because the passport people said it was too bright. I also went to get my 1080 tax form because it's tax season. I came back and cleaned my cars carpet and the dashboards. 
We made dumpling tonight. I also freaking watched Frozen. It was alright. I could've done without the songs though. I tried to watch Iron Man 2, but it's already 10:40 and I feel like I need to sleep in early tonight for some reason. 
But yea. See, I didn't do much today, but at the same time, I did A LOT. I think it's just what I did, took so long that even though it's a lot, it's not really a lot. Am I even making sense anymore? Do I ever make any sense? Who flipping knows. 

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