Saturday, April 25, 2015

Prom 2015

Today is the day of Prom 2015. 
I, obviously, am not going since I am a sophomore in college, but since my friends are still in high school, I get to be excited about it. 
Ria and Haley decided to go get their hair done at around 10-10:30 and she told me she would get home at about 12:30 ish or she would text me if she got there before. 
So I am getting ready at 11:30 when I get a text from her. It read "HELP IM HAVING A PROM EMERGENCY". I thought she was just messing with me and I asked what happened. Apparently the lady, who Ria paid $75 to do her hair, did a shit job. She told me her hair looked like a nest. 
So I had to stop in the middle of getting ready and basically quickly change and leave to go help her. She only lives like 3 blocks away from me, so it didn't take that long. When I got there, her hair wasn't too bad. I was expecting worse. It was very poofy at certain area and frizzy. It also was very random. Ria wanted the lady to loosely side-braid her hair and make it go into a bun, but the lady clearly didn't know what she was doing. 
I managed to sort of de-poof her hair and clean it up a bit. She was still iffy about it, but towards the end, she ended up liking it. So I was there helping her and Haley get ready. Haley had to leave to go get ready and stuff and I told Ria I would leave once we got pictures together. 
So her mom made me mac-n-cheese and we sat and talked. Then she started getting ready. Jake came with his parents and they all started taking pictures. Ria, I kid you not, literally looked like a movie star. And Jake was such a cutie in his suit. They were adorable. They left after pictures to go to Haley's house to take more pictures there. Then I stayed at Ria's house while her parents and Jakes parents mingled for a bit and then it was time to go to the grand march. The grand march, for those who don't know, is where the couples and group, get their name announced and they walk up on stage doing things or pose and stuff and the parents get to take pictures. I went with Ria's parents and grandparents. I am in love with her grandma. Her and Dani, Ria's mom, are so similar. I just love it. So after the grand march and taking pictures, we left. I decided to go back home so I said my good-byes and left. 
Once I got home, I ate and played foot-ball with my brothers. Then I think I stayed in my bed until me and my mom went to the gym. I ran for 15 minutes. Which I am so proud of. I usually hate running. It's something I can never get myself to do. I end up quitting after 2 minutes and today I literally pushed myself to do 15 minutes. It wasn't easy at all, but I am glad I did it. 
Then I came home, showered, ate, and I'll probably end up watching something depending on what time it is. It's 10:45. I'll think about it. 

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