Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Getting Ready For India

Basically got woken up this morning by my mom because she wanted me to get my passport renewed. Since we are going to India in 2 months, I need that. But yeah. I got ready and got my pictures taken. I always HATE getting pictures taken. Like for school, ID, passport, or whatever. I just hate it. 
After that and a long time struggling to fill out the form, we went and got my passport renewed!!! Yayyy, now I can go to India!
I came back and got my car washed and then when I got home, I did a MAJOR car clean up. My cars not that dirty. I just vacuumed it out and took out the carpets and the rubber protector things to wash them. I had sand in the back of my car for winter so the weight helps my car not slip on ice. I took that out and it was a mess. Apparently, theres a hole in that bag of sand. 
Then I ate, watched a bit of youtube and fell asleep. I felt disgusting when I woke up. I hated it. Then after about an hour me and mom went to the gym. We were there for almost 2 hours. That is flipping crazy. 
I just watched Iron Man. I forget whatever I watch. It's like Im not meant to watch movies. I always forget everything. But yeah. I freaking love Iron Man!!! That's really about it. Think I am off to bed. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Are We Moving?

I woke up this morning and checked my phone, IT WORKS!!! But the screen looks like there something dirty on it and a bit foggy at the top corner. I was thinking, should I go and get it fixed?.. Or is it not worth it.. I have the 5s. Maybe I won't fix it. But I’m thinking, do I tell my mom about it? I mean yeah I broke my phone a little but I managed to fix it, so is it even worth telling my mom and just get lectured about how I am never careful with expensive stuff and they shouldn’t buy nice phones for me anymore. But what if she understands. Nahhhh. I won’t tell her.
The wifi stopped working last night so I couldn’t really search up anything. Wifi is the reason I split nail polish remover on my phone in the first place. I lost it on my laptop so I reached over to check my phone and there goes the nail polish remover. And it didn’t help that I was in the dark so I didn’t even see what I split it on. Now I hate our wifi even more. 
I’m exhausted now. It’s 7:30. I had to go drop my brother off to school and now I am back. I think I finally slept around 12:30? 
We got a new router and modem so the internet finally works. Now I shall watch youtube videos. Whoop Whoop. How time during Spring Break should be spent.
I haven't done really anything major today. Me and mom went shopping earlier this morning and spent about $300. Whoops. I got new leggings and that's about it. I really wanted to get a couple of other things, but decided not to because I knew I didn't really need it. 
My parents are looking at new houses to buy. We found one in Forest Lake that looks really nice. It has a decent backyard so that's good. And the inside of the house isn't that bad. I don't know how I feel about the bedrooms, but I guess I can just have the biggest one there or make the basement into my room, like how it is now. I don't know. We'll have to see. Mom and dad are also saying that if they need to be here during the summer if they end up wanting to buy the house, they might not get to go to India. But they said me and my brothers can go, so that's all good. It would be so cool to come back to a new house.

I Broke My Phone!!!

I have woken up so early today!!! well... 8:30, but I went to bed at like 12, so it's early. Anyways, I looked out my window this morning to see how the weather is like and it looked like it's rained!! I seriously love it when it rains during spring time. 
Now you're probably like, it's spring, it's suppose to rain. But let me tell you, there is something about the spring temperature and the rain mixed together that just puts me in the perfect mood. I hate it when it rains during summer. That is not what I like because it's suppose to be sunny and warm during summer. I don't know. I'm just a weirdo maybe. 
I don't know if we have any plans for today. I have a small lab to do for class that's due tonight then I have an essay that's due next Sunday, but I might just do that today? I don't know, lets see how things go. Knowing me, I'll probably end up doing it last minute.
So I had a super sad dream last night and I usually have tons of weird dreams every night, so I was thinking that I should start a dream journal. I read or someone told me that if you write out your dreams, you can end up controlling what you do in your dreams. Which seems so cool. 
I also have sleep paralysis, where my mind is awake, but my body is asleep and then I end up having this super realistic dream where something evil is coming right at me, but I can't do anything. I can't move or talk or anything. So I was hoping that writing out my dreams might help my sleep paralysis. It's been getting real bad lately and I want to do something about it. I wonder if I should do a blog about it. I have some pretty crazy dreams. Hmmm. I'll think about it.
I've had a nap... I think I slept for about an hour? I got woken up to go to the gym. I guess I should do that since I haven't gone since Thursday. I am so tired. And I need to brush my teeth and get ready. Alright, LET'S DO THIS!!!!
God I love a good sunset. I think that is the perfect way to end a day. They are so beautiful. I think I personally prefer sunsets over sunrise. I would like to start a day with a sunrise, but because that means getting up super early, I just can't get myself to do it. Then I think I hate it a bit because when I am up early enough to see it, I have to drive to school and while I am driving the sun gets in the way and I can't see so I end up getting mad at the sun. But sunsets are less bright and more color so I just LOVE it! 
I've decided to watch Iron Man. I don't know what movies to watch anymore. Suggestions would be nice. I might just go to bed after this. 
I think might've just broken my phone.....
I accidentally knocked nail polish remover on top of the screen and it went in through the top hole. The screens gone weird and I can't do anything with it. You guys!!! I broke my phone! My parents are going to KILL me. Oh my god. I really hate myself right now. Ughh. I'm so disappointed. I have put it in a bowl of rice, but I don't think that's going to work. I don't mind if the screen looks weird, but I just want it to work. Let's see what happens tomorrow.  I should sleep now, but I don't know if I can. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Busy Day

Literally woke up this morning to find out that I had to leave in like an hour to go to this charity thing with my mom and aunt. It makes me so mad when my parents plan something, and don't tell me, but I have to go with them. 
Well, I had to go to help out with the food and stuff. When we got there, I just stood there for about 20 minutes not really doing anything. Then this guy who manages the money had to do some work, but he had a kid. So what does my mom do? She volunteers me to watch his kid. 
I kid you not, I watched that girl for the whole day. It's not bad. I do love kids, but it wasn't really what I planned on doing. I don't know. I didn't even want to be there in the first place. 
Anyway, towards the middle of the whole thing, once we finished setting up and everything, we had about 3 hours before the party began and I shit you not, those were the longest 3 hours of my life. I had no wifi. My battery was low. I didn't know anyone there. The kid I was watching fell asleep on my lap so her mom put her in her stroller. So I had NOTHING. absolutely nothing. 
Then 3 hours later my uncle brought his kids and my brother so I was saved. It was alright. I mean they did leave me to go play outside, but now I could charge my phone. 
I met the hottest guy of our kind.  He was tall and had a stubbles, which is always a bonus, and he wore a leather jacket and was a total hipster and... He was just a babe.   He might look like he's 7 years older than me and he might not be as rich as a want him to..... but he's hot. It's not like I plan on marrying him or anything, but it's good to know they exist. Hot guys... 
But I just got home and I am EXHAUSTED. Watching 5 kids gets to you. I think I want to watch some youtube videos before going to bed!

And It Begins

Just finished a Calc midterm only to be reminded that we have homework due today, which of course, I didn't do. Ugh. Gotta do that really quickly and turn it in. Typical me. 
On the bright side, it is a really nice and sunny day. It could be warmer, but it's alright. I am SO flipping excited that today is the last day and then SPRING BREAK starts! whoop whoop. I can't wait for it to start and I don't want to end. 
So for my discrete math class, I need to go see my professor during his office hours time and ask him 2 questions to get extra credit. Now, what do you do, when you actually need help, but you're a dumbass who doesn't understand a thing that's happening in class and is afraid he'll ask you questions about how to do the homework questions? I emailed him instead. I'm sure I wont be getting those extra credits, but who needs points when your'e planning on dropping out of college.... 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

When Will It Stop

It's a new day!! 
I am still not over Zayn leaving One Direction, but that can't be the only thing I talk about. 
I heard about the Pretty Little Liars finale sucked ass. That sucks for the fans who's waited ages to see who A is, and it's just some random guy. I quit watching that like season 3 or 4 when everything became so repetitive. I tried to watch it again, but I couldn't do it. It just didn't interest me anymore. What I did love about that show was their clothes. It always gave me ideas about what to wear. 
It's 7:30. I don't have school today, so I'm happy, but I still have a midterm tomorrow so I have to study for that.
So I have gone to the gym, yes yes, and I have showered, ayyyyyye. Now I need to get ready for my brothers Honor Roll. Then I need to get studying!!!
Turns out we're not going. My brother didn't RSVP. what. an. idiot. I freaking got ready!!!
I don't want to study. Maybe I'll watch a movie, regret it, and then study?
Still not over Zayn leaving.
Still not over Zayn leaving. 

RIP One Direction

YOOOOOOOOO. Guess what. It snowed. But it's melting away so that's good. I only have 2 more days of school and it's SPRING BREAK. I am so ready for a break. 
Alright, let's take this damn test.
I just found out it's official. Zayn left one direction. I'm happy for him, I am. But I'm mad. It should've never came to this. He never should've felt so stressed out and sad that he had to leave One Direction. I want him to get better and live the life he wants to. But I and a lot of people know this isn't what he would've really wanted. If they're management team cared about the boy's well being and their health, it would've never come to this. No one would be sad or stressed and no one would've left the band. But no. Management only cared about making more money and they did whatever they can to achieve that. They put out tour after tour. They released album after album. The boys were recording songs while touring. And even though we all sat there saying 'Wow that's really impressive,' it's actually really sad. They worked day and night. Never getting any break. And the breaks they did get, it was never enough for the boys to actually relax. The break ended before it really even started.
I can't believe management managed to cause Zayn so much stress, that he paid 10 million pounds to get out of the contract. They probably still don't care. As long as they have the rest of the boys, they probably still wants to make more money.
What scares me is now that one member of the band is gone, would management make the other boys work harder? Because they might not make as much or they might lose fans. Will this cause the other boys to stress out?
This can't be happening. This just can't be happening. Why is this happening?
I had to calm myself down. Doodled a little. It really helped. Guess I should start that homework now then.... 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Not Enough

It's already 1:40 pm and I'm off to a shit start. I have to study for 2 exams, make 2 cheat sheets for those exams, and 2 homework. And I'm blogging instead. 
I have spent 3 hours doing one homework. OH MY GOD!!! I'm screwed. 
I still have to go to the gym.
You guys. I'm ready. I'm ready to become famous for no reason and keep it up by not doing anything. If only life was that easy. Maybe I'll meet a rich guy who'll feed me from time to time. My standards are so high.... -__-.. I just want to get these exams over with. I'm not even ready to take them, but I just want to get them over with. I'm just not meant for the school life.
Guys!!! Let all buy an island and support each other without going to school and all. Let's live a simple life somewhere far away!. I reckon we can buy an island. If we all pitched in. Can you imagine owning an island??? That was fun. Now back to studying.
Great. I'm exhausted after the gym. How do I carry on?
Alright!!! I am so close to being done with one notecard!!! partayyy. But I still have so much more to do!
God I love Spotify. It has songs for everything!!!!
Well I drew for the past hour. Damn it!!!!!!!!! 

Monday, March 23, 2015

I Can Do It!!!

Good morning people!
Last night while trying to finish my homework, I found my life quote or motto. "Better late than never." It's not like I love living by this or I want it, but that's how it is. 
Right now, I'm sat at my vanity writing a blog when I should be getting ready for school. Ugh. The struggles. Today is one of those days where you feel like you're awake because you only got about 5 hours of sleep, but it's deceiving because you're tired as hell. Or am I the only one who goes through that? All I know is that by the time it's about 12, I am going to lose all my energy! That's half way through school. 
You know what's great about having 2 1/2 hour break after my first class. I get to procrastinate even more and do my homework for the next class there. But you know what sucks about having a 2 1/2 hour break after my first class. Knowing that I could've gone home earlier, but instead I have to waste my time at school. 
Today, to switch it up, I sat in a different room of my school building for my break. And it has an amazing view. It looks down at the Dew Drop Pond that we have which has a little bridge that goes over to a little island looking thing and it is beautiful! I can also see the whole horizon or the city and I just love this spot now!
Well, things turned out for the worse. After computer programming class I felt anxious. The whole car ride home was like that until I was about 2 minutes away. I had a little panic attack. I pulled up in my garage and waited. It came back. Now I;m just sat in my car in the dark garage like a weirdo because I'm just not ready to face whats outside this metal box.
I'm much better now.
You know what's a good song. Stitches by Shawn Mendes. I'm really digging that song. Digging. Yeah, I used that word.
Well I'm really excited I don't have any classes tomorrow. Whoop whoop!! Then I have 2 exams on Wednesday. *sigh. But on the bright side I have freaking spring break next week!!! PARTAYYYY. jk, I'm not cool like that.
I'm exhausted. Guess it's night night!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Beginning Of 'Testaments Of A Dreamer'.

Before we dive into anything, I would like to start out my new blog by saying that this blog is my life. I want to write everything I feel and think that is posting worthy here. Even if it's not, I want to write it. 
My idea to do this came from watching The Social Network. In the beginning, Mark is drunkenly writing a blog about his girlfriend that just broke up with him. And although that is not my intention, I want to start writing about things that happens in my life. It's so stupid but it's going to happen. It's like a journal that I want to share with the world, although the 'world' might not even see this. 
I want to look back at this blog and reminisce about everything that has happened. Lessons to be learned and what-not. Maybe it might even help you guys. 
I would like to put out a disclaimer before we go anywhere from here:
I shit you not, I can't write. I tend to over think and don't think enough when I write. I sometimes won't make any sense and other times I might repeat things like 20 times, but it's ok. It's who I am. 
Alright then! Let's just dive into my life. 
So right now it's 7:30 pm, I should be writing a computer science program for my class. But I decided I would rather start a blog I might not even stick to. Life is weird like that. I have done everything I can to avoid my homework. I did my women's fitness labs and assignments, but I still haven't started on the program. This reminds me that in the Social Network movie, Mark was like a crazy programmer. I wish I could do that. Life would be a lot easier that way. I'm not a big fan of that movie or anything. I literally saw that movie 2 nights ago and it's fresh in my mind. 
Oh well. It's snowing. Even though it's March 22?! Of course. I live in Minnesota. It's expected. 
I don't really know what else to write about. Maybe I'll have something later.
I have a presentation due tomorrow !!! I'll just sleep then.