Monday, March 30, 2015

I Broke My Phone!!!

I have woken up so early today!!! well... 8:30, but I went to bed at like 12, so it's early. Anyways, I looked out my window this morning to see how the weather is like and it looked like it's rained!! I seriously love it when it rains during spring time. 
Now you're probably like, it's spring, it's suppose to rain. But let me tell you, there is something about the spring temperature and the rain mixed together that just puts me in the perfect mood. I hate it when it rains during summer. That is not what I like because it's suppose to be sunny and warm during summer. I don't know. I'm just a weirdo maybe. 
I don't know if we have any plans for today. I have a small lab to do for class that's due tonight then I have an essay that's due next Sunday, but I might just do that today? I don't know, lets see how things go. Knowing me, I'll probably end up doing it last minute.
So I had a super sad dream last night and I usually have tons of weird dreams every night, so I was thinking that I should start a dream journal. I read or someone told me that if you write out your dreams, you can end up controlling what you do in your dreams. Which seems so cool. 
I also have sleep paralysis, where my mind is awake, but my body is asleep and then I end up having this super realistic dream where something evil is coming right at me, but I can't do anything. I can't move or talk or anything. So I was hoping that writing out my dreams might help my sleep paralysis. It's been getting real bad lately and I want to do something about it. I wonder if I should do a blog about it. I have some pretty crazy dreams. Hmmm. I'll think about it.
I've had a nap... I think I slept for about an hour? I got woken up to go to the gym. I guess I should do that since I haven't gone since Thursday. I am so tired. And I need to brush my teeth and get ready. Alright, LET'S DO THIS!!!!
God I love a good sunset. I think that is the perfect way to end a day. They are so beautiful. I think I personally prefer sunsets over sunrise. I would like to start a day with a sunrise, but because that means getting up super early, I just can't get myself to do it. Then I think I hate it a bit because when I am up early enough to see it, I have to drive to school and while I am driving the sun gets in the way and I can't see so I end up getting mad at the sun. But sunsets are less bright and more color so I just LOVE it! 
I've decided to watch Iron Man. I don't know what movies to watch anymore. Suggestions would be nice. I might just go to bed after this. 
I think might've just broken my phone.....
I accidentally knocked nail polish remover on top of the screen and it went in through the top hole. The screens gone weird and I can't do anything with it. You guys!!! I broke my phone! My parents are going to KILL me. Oh my god. I really hate myself right now. Ughh. I'm so disappointed. I have put it in a bowl of rice, but I don't think that's going to work. I don't mind if the screen looks weird, but I just want it to work. Let's see what happens tomorrow.  I should sleep now, but I don't know if I can. 

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