Monday, March 23, 2015

I Can Do It!!!

Good morning people!
Last night while trying to finish my homework, I found my life quote or motto. "Better late than never." It's not like I love living by this or I want it, but that's how it is. 
Right now, I'm sat at my vanity writing a blog when I should be getting ready for school. Ugh. The struggles. Today is one of those days where you feel like you're awake because you only got about 5 hours of sleep, but it's deceiving because you're tired as hell. Or am I the only one who goes through that? All I know is that by the time it's about 12, I am going to lose all my energy! That's half way through school. 
You know what's great about having 2 1/2 hour break after my first class. I get to procrastinate even more and do my homework for the next class there. But you know what sucks about having a 2 1/2 hour break after my first class. Knowing that I could've gone home earlier, but instead I have to waste my time at school. 
Today, to switch it up, I sat in a different room of my school building for my break. And it has an amazing view. It looks down at the Dew Drop Pond that we have which has a little bridge that goes over to a little island looking thing and it is beautiful! I can also see the whole horizon or the city and I just love this spot now!
Well, things turned out for the worse. After computer programming class I felt anxious. The whole car ride home was like that until I was about 2 minutes away. I had a little panic attack. I pulled up in my garage and waited. It came back. Now I;m just sat in my car in the dark garage like a weirdo because I'm just not ready to face whats outside this metal box.
I'm much better now.
You know what's a good song. Stitches by Shawn Mendes. I'm really digging that song. Digging. Yeah, I used that word.
Well I'm really excited I don't have any classes tomorrow. Whoop whoop!! Then I have 2 exams on Wednesday. *sigh. But on the bright side I have freaking spring break next week!!! PARTAYYYY. jk, I'm not cool like that.
I'm exhausted. Guess it's night night!!

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